Hawke's Bay
Main City
- Napier
- Hastings
Main towns / villages
- NA
Hawke's Bay
Located at 39.4° South (the same as Madrid in the North), Hawke’s Bay is one of the hottest and sunniest areas of New Zealand. A maritime climate, free draining soil types with natural low fertility, prevailing hot dry north westerly winds, low rainfall and a long growing season provide for a range of of vineyard sites suitable for a diversity of varieties. Over 25 different soil types make up the 4,947 wine producing hectares in Hawke's Bay.
Hawke's Bay has the highest percentage of Sustainable Winegrowing NZ (SWNZ) accredited wineries in the country. Of the 172 vineyards in the region, 70% are SWNZ accredited. Hawke's Bay is committed to this independently audited sustainability programme and these numbers will increase.
Combining new world fruit flavours with old world structure, Hawke’s Bay red wines are unique and elegant. Competitive in quality to world class red wines everywhere and competitive in price against the ultra premium wines of the world, Hawke’s Bay has grown to be the home of over 80 wineries and 170 wine grape growers. History, consistency, diversity and innovation continue to provide the foundation for Hawke’s Bay’s reputation as a quality producer of world class wines.
*photo credit Supernatural Wine, Hawkes Bay
Jobs In Hawke's Bay

- Cellar Hand/Kegging Operator
- Brewery / Cider
- Zeffer
- 1747 Korokipo Road
- Expires in: -78 days