Wine Industry Tertiary Studies

An annually updated list of Tertiary institutions and the programmes they offer.  E & OE, you should make your own enquiries before deciding on any particular course of study.

NZ Biodynamic Association

Biodynamics is a systems approach, where the farm, vineyard, orchard or garden is viewed as a living whole and each activity affects everything else.  Management is based on the grower’s own careful observations, plus the results of tests and analyses.  In this way, modern technology and traditional knowledge marry to form a highly-effective method that’s unique to each location.

Biodynamics (“biological-dynamics”) is a method of organic agriculture that’s applicable to any farm or horticultural enterprise by following a series of practical steps. 

The steps emphasise building soil fertility and are carefully tailored to the particular property. They include: 
  • Using biodynamic sprays to stimulate biological activity in the soil and improve retention of nutrients, such as animal wastes
  • Stocking with several different animal species to vary grazing patterns and reduce pasture-borne parasites
  • Widening the range of pasture species
  • Planting trees for multiple purposes
  • Crop rotation designs including the use of green manures to enhance soil fertility and control weeds and plant pests
  • Recycling organic wastes, where possible, by large scale composting
  • Changing from chemical pest control to prevention strategies based on good plant and animal nutrition and careful cultivar selection
Check out our website for more information
Contact Details:
Bio Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association 
Postal: PO Box 356, Martinborough 5741 
Telephone: 0-6-306 8582 (within NZ); +64-6-306 8582 (international) 

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