
Bookmark this page in your "favourites" so you'll always know where to find your one-stop-shop to much-used information.

CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED:  International wine writers

 or to access List of New Zealand wine distributors and their agencies. 

NZ & International Wine Publications / Press / Media newsWine Spectator; Decanter newsBenson Marketing;


Australia wine media; NZ Wine mediaInternational wine mediaWine PublicationsGlossies

Bookmark this page in your "favourites" so you'll always know where to find your one-stop-shop to much-used information


Wine News - news - you can sign up to receive news daily or weekly directly to your inbox.

Wine Spectator - comprehensive wine website.

Decanter news - daily wine news.

Benson Marketing - wine marketing agency in the United States.


Informative wine reviews - 

wineoftheweek - Sue Courtney, the longest running wine review website in New Zealand.

wineorbit - Sam Kim, independent extensive reviews featuring NZ wines and wines of the world.

winenoter - Raymond Chan, the wine reviews are free to access and use, whether you are buying or selling wine, I trust my reviews are useful and enjoyable.


Winewriter/media list - 

Australia wine media - click on individual names within lists for more details of each writer.

NZ Wine media  - click on individual names within lists for more details of each writer.

International wine media - includes Uk, Usa, Canada, Asia.

Wine Publications - the key New Zealand ones plus a listing of trade publications.

Glossies  - "glossy" consumer magazines - just some of the more popular ones, obviously does not contain every magazine ever printed!!

Media Placement help - Morton Media Services is a privately owned specialist business that can assist you with all aspects of your wine advertising from design, production, placement and negotiating with all the magazines etc. that are available. Contact Tony Morton on 09 836 9990 or tony (remove space from email address).


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